A Ghost From the Past Hinders Progress
A Ghost From the Past Hinders Progress Apr 09

A Ghost From the Past Hinders Progress

days hours remaining

Lineage's Legacy: A Ghost From the Past Hinders Progress

Throne and Liberty's origins reveal a surprising connection to the "Lineage" franchise. Initially envisioned as a new entry in the series, the game eventually evolved into its own IP. Despite this transition, the tab-target combat system, a hallmark of Lineage 2 released in 2003, remains firmly embedded in Throne and Liberty. While some may find nostalgia in this approach, for many, the stop-and-start combat feels archaic compared to the advancements witnessed in the genre over the past two decades.

Influencer Backlash: Amplifying Discontent

Prominent MMO influencers like Force Gaming and TheLazyPeon have further fueled the disappointment with their videos. Force Gaming's "Throne and Liberty is a Disaster" directly criticizes the clunky combat and auto-play option as indicators of the game's shortcomings. Similarly, TheLazyPeon's "Throne & Liberty KEKW" video summarizes the prevailing sentiment with a similar focus on these shortcomings.

As a platform dedicated to providing game services, Mmoexp is well received by players. If you want to buy Throne and Liberty Lucent, this must be a good choice

04-09-24 - 12:00 Start date
04-10-24 - 12:00 End date
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