A Look Beyond: Exploring the Landscape
A Look Beyond: Exploring the Landscape Apr 10

A Look Beyond: Exploring the Landscape

days hours remaining

A Glimmer of Hope: Unveiling the Free-to-Play Model

Enter the eagle-eyed Redditors, who stumbled upon a hidden gem: a "Coming Soon" banner for Throne and Liberty on Amazon's website, explicitly labeling it as a free-to-play MMORPG. This revelation marks the first significant piece of official information regarding the Western release, finally quenching some of the community's thirst for knowledge.

A History of Silence: The Communication Gap

Neither NCSoft nor Amazon Games has been particularly forthcoming with information throughout Throne and Liberty's development. Most details, including the free-to-play model, have emerged from Korean press releases or investor calls, leaving Western audiences in the dark. This lack of communication has undoubtedly contributed to the feeling of uncertainty surrounding the game.

A Look Beyond: Exploring the Landscape

While Throne and Liberty's free-to-play model is a welcome surprise, it's not the only noteworthy piece of information gleaned from Amazon's website. The list also features the Western release of Bandai Namco's Blue Protocol, another upcoming free-to-play MMORPG slated for launch sometime in 2023. This growing collection of free-to-play options further expands the landscape for online multiplayer experiences, offering players a wider range of options to explore.

As a platform dedicated to providing game services, Mmoexp is well received by players. If you want to buy Throne and Liberty Lucent, this must be a good choice

04-10-24 - 12:00 Start date
04-11-24 - 12:00 End date
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