SocialGem Pages is going away

SocialGem Pages has been a way businesses build audience and connect with customers on SocialGem

We'll be sunsetting the pages feature, it will no longer be available on web and SocialGem apps by January 2023. 

Pages has been a way for businesses to have an online presence and build audiences on SocialGem and our commitment to supportng small businesses hasn't changed.

Introducing Corporate Accounts


 Soon we'll be rolling out Corporate accounts, a new type of account on SocialGem for brands and businesses, this will let businesses have access to features like blogs, SocialGem Wallet, Groups and other features available to personal accounts. 


what's next

Businesses using pages will automatically become sub-accounts of your SocialGem profile. Personal accounts used for a brand or business will automatically become corporate accounts.


For us at SocialGem corporate accounts emphasises our commitment to supporting and empowering businesses on SocialGem.


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