How Blizzard’s losing touch with all the WoW Classic community

Overpopulated imbalanced Classic servers with excruciatingly-long queue time times and an absence of fresh servers

From Business Student to League of Legends Pro Player | SK Jezu's College Dropout Success Story WOTLK Classic Gold has become synonymous using the MMORPG genre mainly because it was first released in 2004. Although WoW has stayed the definition of a fantasy role-playing game in the past, its community did start to slowly dwindle the moment Blizzard started operating under the banner of Activision in 2008 while using the most influential slump going to pass in the Warlords of Draenor expansion when Blizzard stopped publicly reporting the subscription numbers.

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With the WoW community slowly abandoning their favorite game, Blizzard began desperately in search of strategies to skyrocket it back to the top. Little did the devs know back which the solution to their problems could well be re-releases of the original games. Blizzard even went so far as to deny the players’ desires to bring back WoW Classic. In the infamous words of J. Allen Brack: “You think one does, however, you don’t.”

Today, we’re looking at the verge of witnessing Blizzard re-releasing your third WoW Classic edition, Wrath in the Lich King Classic. Although WoW Classic and The Burning Crusade Classic have grown to be a hit that rekindled a passion for WoW among long-lost fans, both game iterations were riddled with problems like botting, boosting, and gold selling. Expectedly, Blizzard has, in its own fashion, addressed these critical game-ruining issues, however, it's got, in a single way and the other, remained a persistent problem of Classic WoW that’s been ruining the gaming experience for average players. Largely because of botting, boosts, and gold selling, Classic WoW’s economy, in addition to average players, may be suffering from gold inflation and requires optimizing and increasing gold farm.

Blizzard’s tries to rid Classic WoW of the system abusers were received poorly, using the community still believing Blizzard is just not doing enough work to cleanse the action and send it back to its original state, similar to the 2000s. Unfortunately, as we’re slowly stepping into the 3rd iteration of Classic WoW, there is certainly still no manifestation of Blizzard’s intentions to fully eradicate this type of behavior in the sport. What’s more, Blizzard has, ever since the release in the cheap wotlk classic gold pre-patch, only further worsened the existing state of the game with mass bans, server overpopulation, server disbalance, general insufficient concern for long-queue times, and tickets unresponsiveness. With all this planned, this indicates Blizzard is gradually losing its touch and failing to fulfill the bare minimum standards to produce buying a subscription worthwhile. Since Blizzard is treating its game as second-rate, how is it that we care and lose our work time and money into it?

Overpopulated imbalanced Classic servers with excruciatingly-long queue time times and an absence of fresh servers

In 2019, Classic WoW launched with fresh servers that welcomed and hosted die-hard Classic fans from around the globe. Since the sudden resurgence in interest in Classic WoW surprised Blizzard and exceeded every possible expectation, the initially-launched servers were infested with long-queue times forcing Blizzard to produce more fresh servers. Even though the community had fresh servers saved, players still surged on the originally-launched server, and knowing that, the servers were born. As time passed plus the Classic WoW hype train slowly lost its steam, the servers began slowly bleeding players leaving some servers deserted plus others overpopulated. Although the community repeatedly called out this concern, Blizzard’s only solution was the server transfers that only treated the symptom of this issue. On top of this, it caused more problems than solutions in the end since many players were stuck inside a loop of searching their residence server while never settling down.

The relief TBC slightly improved the server situation as it once again brought back tonnes of players planning to enter the Dark Portal and eradicate the Burning Legion. Still, TBC Classic servers found themselves in similar shoes to Classic as soon as the expansion reached later phases. And throughout TBC Classic, Blizzard again showed practically no effort to exercise and balance servers.

The third time’s the charm; everyone thought in the event the release in the WOTLK Classic pre-patch went go on Aug. 30. Even though the WOTLK Classic pre-patch was a superb window of opportunity to correct the faction disbalance, overpopulation, and long queue times, the pre-patch only further damaged the already fragile state of Classic servers by causing the queues longer plus the servers more imbalanced and overpopulated. On top of this, Blizzard initially launched only two fresh servers per region that immediately became full houses. Blizzard, which took it as a pointer before even addressing the queue times, washed its hands off this concern. “There’s no technology answer to this. There is no hardware treatment for this. This situation is not going to improve when Wrath from the Lich King Classic launches on September 26th, it can only become worse,” it said on Sept. 8.

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