The Teleport skill Mut 24 coins

The skill itself is made of 10 lightning-colored balls that are released from the Wizard avatar.

The ability is available from level 1. Arcane Wind has players Mut 24 coins unleash an entire windstorm in a particular direction, dealing damage to and knocking back enemies. The ability is able to be charged, meaning that the player is able to charge his Arcane Wind ability to increase the distance of knockback, range, and to deal more damage.This ability deals 50% greater damage on enemies who are burning , which is the reason the two abilities Scorch together with Arcane Wind can be a deadly combo if used properly. Because both skills come with cooling times of 9 seconds that means the Wizard can continuously unleash havoc by using both skills.

Unlocked at level 3 Lightning Nova can be used to take on damage across every direction. The skill itself is made of 10 lightning-colored balls that are released from the Wizard avatar. As a boomerang would, the balls of lightning return to the player dealing damage going outwards and coming again to the person in the new location. In the end, it's an extremely low-cooldown skill (6 seconds) that can be used often to create high damage. At the end of the game the ability can be improved by players using various offhand items to make it even stronger.

The Teleport skill can be learned from the beginning of the game by players. With a cooldown of 15 seconds, players can teleport or rush towards a location at least 3 times. This ability is essential to the Wizard class because it allows rapid mobility and helps the player level up quicker. The ability also helps players navigate sticky situations, particularly in dungeons where large mobs are present. The players can be quickly able to avoid getting overwhelmed by enemy forces and be prepared to remain in the fight. Furthermore, this skill can be useful in PVP to prevent getting lost in melee fights or even enemy AOE abilities.

At level 38. at level 38. Black Hole is a skill that allows players to release a black hole that lasts for three seconds. During this time, any enemies in the vicinity are dragged into the hole and take damage. Although it doesn't do any damage to the enemy, it's capacity to control crowds and groups enemies together can make it an effective. Used as an opening move to open the attack, the Black Hole ability can be followed up with other skills and primary methods of attack to deal the most severe damage to enemies.

Unlocked at level 41. this Meteor skill allows the player the ability to call a meteor to Madden 24 coins rain down on foes. The meteor does incredible damage but additionally stuns enemies within the area of impact for up to 3 seconds. The ground will also become scorched after impact, burning enemies for 6 seconds. It has one limitation because it's a delayed impact, meaning that players must be able to predict the meteor in a way that allows for the maximum amount of damage against enemies. This ability can also replace Scorch since it basically almost does the same (burn enemies) but deals more damage.


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